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Pool Safety 101 by a Premises Liability Lawyer

Having your own pool means being able to cool off any time you want. Property owners know that pools are also a lot of responsibility, requiring year-round maintenance. When it’s in use, you need to do more than clean and enjoy. You also need to be vigilant about the safety of your pool and anyone who enjoys it. Here are the top 3 ways you can make your pool the safest in the neighborhood, according to a Wettermark Keith premises liability lawyer in Huntsville.

Take Preventative Measures

There’s a lot you can do to keep your Huntsville, Alabama pool safe before anyone even gets in the water. Especially if you have pets or young children, a pool fence or gate is useful to keep them from wandering in. Making sure all pool stairs have proper handrails is also essential (ask any premises liability lawyer in Huntsville). You will also need to make sure that the chemical balance is right before enjoying your pool, else you risk bacterial growth. Limiting each dangerous condition can help to prevent any injury cases in the future.

Enforce Pool Rules

Chances are, your private pool doesn’t have a 24/7 lifeguard or a waiver from injury lawyers. You’ll need to inform anyone who uses your pool of the rules you’ve put in place for their safety. Just like at public pools, running around the pool should be prohibited. The surface is too wet and will almost definitely result in a trip and fall injury. You should also encourage both children and adults never to swim alone. Being observed by at least one other person significantly reduces the other person’s risk of drowning. Examine the other potential hazards around your pool, and see what rules you can create to avoid premises liability cases.

Train Yourself for Emergencies

Even if you’ve done all of this, you may feel some additional responsibility as a pool owner. Indeed, there are some additional things you should do that a premises liability lawyer in Huntsville would recommend. You can sign up for classes like CPR and lifeguarding to help you develop life-saving skills, should you ever need them. You can also run drills with your family to make sure everyone knows where to find safety devices like a life ring or hook. You should also keep a nearby first aid kit and familiarize yourself with common pool injuries and how to treat them. With these preparations, you’ll be ready for just about any Huntsville premises liability accident.

Regular Pool Maintenance 

Owning a pool comes with a responsibility that extends beyond just having fun in the water. To ensure the safety and enjoyment of your pool, regular maintenance is essential. Here's what you need to know:

  • Cleaning: Regularly clean your pool to remove debris, leaves, and insects. Skim the surface and vacuum the bottom. A clean pool not only looks inviting but also reduces the risk of slips and falls caused by slippery surfaces.
  • Water Quality: Maintaining the right chemical balance in your pool water is crucial. Improperly balanced water can lead to bacterial growth and other waterborne hazards. Regularly test the water's pH, chlorine levels, and alkalinity, and adjust them as needed.
  • Filtration: Your pool's filtration system plays a vital role in keeping the water clean and safe. Check and clean the filters regularly to ensure they are functioning correctly. A clogged filter can lead to poor water circulation and waterborne illnesses.
  • Equipment Inspection: Inspect all pool equipment, including pumps, filters, and diving boards, on a routine basis. Ensure that they are in good working condition. Faulty equipment can pose significant safety risks.

Pool Equipment Safety:

Your pool equipment can be both a convenience and a potential hazard if not properly maintained. Here's how to ensure its safety:

  • Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your pool equipment by a professional. They can identify and address any issues before they become safety concerns.
  • Secured Areas: Keep the pool equipment area locked or secured to prevent unauthorized access, especially by children. Pools pumps and filters have strong suction that can trap objects and even people.
  • Safety Covers: Consider using safety covers for pool equipment. These covers can prevent accidental entrapment or injuries caused by contact with moving parts.

Childproofing Pool Area:

Childproofing your pool area is paramount to prevent accidents involving children. Here's what you can do:

  • Secure Doors and Gates: Install self-closing and self-latching gates and doors around the pool area. Ensure they are locked when the pool is not in use.
  • Pool Alarms: Consider installing pool alarms that can alert you if someone enters the pool area without your knowledge. These alarms can be particularly useful if you have small children or pets.
  • Safety Covers: Use safety covers or nets designed to prevent accidental falls into the pool. These covers are designed to support the weight of a child or pet and provide an added layer of security.

Sun Safety:

Enjoying your pool also means protecting yourself and your family from the sun's harmful rays. Here's how to stay safe in the sun:

  • Sunscreen: Always apply sunscreen with a high SPF before heading into the pool. Reapply as needed, especially after swimming or towel drying.
  • Protective Clothing: Wear protective clothing like wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and UV-blocking swimwear. This reduces your exposure to the sun and lowers the risk of sunburn.
  • Shaded Areas: Provide shaded areas around your pool, either through umbrellas, pergolas, or natural shade from trees. This allows for a comfortable escape from the sun's intensity.

Emergency Contact Information:

In case of an emergency, having contact information readily available near the pool area is crucial. Here's what to include:

  • Emergency Numbers: Display emergency contact numbers for local medical services, the nearest hospital, and emergency responders.
  • First Aid Kit: Keep a well-equipped first aid kit nearby. Ensure that everyone knows its location and how to use it in case of minor injuries.
  • Safety Devices: Familiarize yourself and your family with the location of safety equipment like life rings, hooks, and flotation devices. These tools can be essential in rescue situations.

By following these guidelines and taking proactive safety measures, you can create a secure and enjoyable pool environment for your family and guests. Pool ownership comes with responsibilities, but with the right precautions, you can minimize risks and maximize the fun. If you have any legal questions or concerns regarding pool safety or premises liability, consult with experienced premises liability lawyers like those at Wettermark Keith for expert advice and assistance.

If you’re dealing with a pool injury or other types of premises liability injuries, call today to schedule a free consultation with our premises liability lawyers. Our attorneys in Huntsville are knowledgeable about each premise liability claim and often hold consultations to discuss compensation for medical care and other expenses. Start with your free consultation and get justice for the breach of duty of care with the help of our premises liability attorneys.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regular pool maintenance involves tasks like cleaning debris, maintaining proper water chemical levels, checking filtration systems, and inspecting pool equipment. Neglecting maintenance can lead to safety hazards and accidents.

To ensure the safety of pool equipment, schedule regular inspections and maintenance by a professional. Keep equipment areas locked or secured to prevent unauthorized access, especially by children.

In addition to fencing and rules, consider using pool alarms, safety covers, and teaching children to swim at an early age. Supervision is crucial, and parents should be trained in CPR and basic water rescue techniques.

Sun safety is essential when spending time at the pool. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF, wear protective clothing like hats and sunglasses, and provide shaded areas for relaxation.

n the event of a pool-related injury, administer first aid as needed and seek immediate medical attention if the injury is severe. Contact a premises liability lawyer if the injury occurred due to negligence or unsafe conditions.

For personalized guidance or assistance with pool safety and premises liability concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to experienced premises liability lawyers at Wettermark Keith.

Ready to work together? Contact us today for a free consultation.


If you or a loved one have been injured and think you might have a case, call us now for a free consultation.