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Wettermark Keith strives to provide each of our clients with an unparalleled legal experience, giving each of our case considerations and the care they need to be successful. In addition to endeavoring to positively impact our clients’ lives, we also strive to create a positive impact in our communities. We believe it is our responsibility to play an active role in improving the well-being of the communities we work and live in.

Wettermark Keith provides community outreach through programs like our First Responders program. Where we honor those, who go above and beyond the call of duty to serve and protect their community. These men and women deal with high-stress situations regularly and deserve every bit of recognition and respect that comes with our First Responders Award.

In addition to programs like First Responders, we make efforts to raise awareness and assist those suffering from debilitating issues, like PTSD. We deal with many clients that suffer from these types of conditions, many of which are veterans. Therefore, it should be no surprise Wettermark Keith stands fully in support of our military and our veterans. We proudly support the brave men and women, who have sacrificed their health and well-being to ensure our liberties back home.

Wettermark Keith is privileged to be in a position where we can lend support to our communities and the organizations in them. However, our employees often support the causes that are closest to them. They donate their time and energy to volunteering in their communities. Because Your Community Matters!


One of the greatest assets to a community is the people who help keep our loved ones safe. Every neighborhood, road, office, school, or household is at risk of an unplanned emergency. When an unfortunate event occurs, we want someone there in a split second to help.

Wettermark Keith deeply appreciates the dedication and hard work that these special people in our communities uphold, and the firm consistently sponsors a celebration of one of these special people each month in several regional cities. First Responder Heroes are people we can count on to help our family members when in need. Many of them work for emergency service organizations including police departments, sheriff departments, fire and rescue departments, ambulances services, and other emergency response services.

The attorneys and staff of Wettermark Keith work with emergency responders every day on behalf of the clients. Knowing the crucial and vital role these individuals play to help our communities, was the catalyst to embark on a way to honor these heroes. After a brainstorming session with a few partners, the First Responder Heroes Awards recognition was born. Since 2014, the partners of Wettermark Keith have been honored to salute the women and men who serve, and each month the firm is excited to learn about the next awardee. Please nominate your local hero today!


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Please select the station we partner within your area and follow the links to the nomination form: