Dothan Veterans Disability Lawyers
If You’ve Been Denied Veterans Benefits in Alabama, Contact a Veterans Disability Lawyer Today.
No one truly survives war. Whether a soldier faces the enemy on the beaches of Normandy, the jungles of Vietnam, or the deserts of the Middle East, the sights and sounds of battle remain the same. The droning of aircraft and the screams of the dying, the smell of explosives and exhaust, the thunder of missiles and tanks blends together into an unforgettable scene of inhumanity. Whether or not they return in one piece, spending months or years losing brothers-in-arms and living under the threat of death can follow a soldier home. We realize that returning soldiers who have seen the reality of war can struggle to transition back into a hometown that has never experienced the burdens a veteran carries. Without the structure and discipline of the military, Dothan veterans often find themselves adrift, struggling to find a job and sense of normalcy in a world where their skills in battle serve little purpose.
Service-related injuries and disabilities can further complicate the process of reintegration. While burns, shrapnel wounds, and missing limbs can certainly impact a person’s daily life, our lawyers know from working with Dothan veterans that the scars of war aren’t just physical - at least 20% of vets experience debilitating PTSD symptoms upon returning to civilian life, including nightmares, angry outbursts, substance abuse, and a constant state of hypervigilance. Unfortunately, traumatized and injured veterans seeking the disability benefits they need often struggle to break through layers of bureaucracy, their disability claims met with skepticism or unjustly denied. When the injuries you’ve sustained in the line of duty leave you with chronic pain and immobility, financial compensation is the very least you deserve - and our Dothan veterans disability attorneys are here to make sure you receive it.
When your disability benefits are denied, you don’t have to face the appeal process alone. Our VA Attorneys are accredited by the Veterans Administration to represent veterans in claims for benefits before the Department of Veterans Affairs, and our only goal is to obtain the resources you need to live the rest of your life with comfort and support. If you have been unjustly denied benefits, don’t hesitate - contact Wettermark Keith through our (877) 715-9300 number, or contact us through our web page or online chat. We care about your recovery and are grateful for your sacrifice.
What Are Veterans Disability Benefits?
Veterans disability is the compensation and benefits provided to veterans who have been injured or disabled as a result of their military service. These disabilities can be physical, such as loss of limb or hearing, or mental, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides disability compensation to eligible veterans who were injured or became ill during their military service. To be eligible for disability compensation, the disability must be directly related to the veteran's military service. In addition to disability compensation, veterans with service-connected disabilities may also be eligible for other benefits like health care, employment services, and housing assistance.
Applying for veterans disability benefits can be a complex and lengthy process, requiring medical evidence and other documentation to support the claim. It is often helpful for veterans to seek assistance from an experienced veterans disability lawyer or accredited representative to help navigate the process and ensure that they receive the benefits they are entitled to.
Do Military Veterans Automatically Qualify for Disability Benefits?
A few factors are required for a veteran to be eligible for VA Disability. The veteran must have a current illness or injury that affects their mind and body, and have served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training. Additionally, at least one of the following must apply: the veteran became sick or injured during their military service and can link this condition to their illness or injury (an in-service disability claim), they had a pre-existing condition that was worsened by their service (a pre-service disability claim), or they have a disability related to their service that did not manifest until after their service ended (a post-service disability claim).
The real challenge for many veterans can be proving that injuries are service-connected, especially without formal medical records or military reports. Therefore, it is crucial to collect all documentation regarding the veteran's medical history when submitting an application, as this can speed up the initial review process and improve the chances of acceptance. If you receive an adverse decision, we recommend seeking the help of a Dothan veterans disability lawyer to ensure you obtain the benefits you deserve.
The VA uses a disability calculator to determine a veteran's disability benefits based on their combined disability rating. The process works by assigning a percentage rating to each disability that represents the severity of the condition and its impact on the veteran's daily life and their ability to work. These percentages range from 0% to 100%, and higher ratings indicate more severe disabilities. Below is a general outline of how the VA determines benefits:
Individual ratings:
Each service-connected disability is assigned a separate disability rating by the VA, based on the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD), which outlines the criteria for specific disabilities and their corresponding ratings.
Combined ratings:
Rather than simply adding up the individual ratings, the VA uses a unique method to calculate the combined disability rating that considers how multiple disabilities can compound one another to impact a veteran's overall ability to work and function. The process begins with the veteran's highest individual rating for a disability and then factors in the severity of the other disabilities, taking into account the remaining "healthy" portion of the veteran.
For example, if a veteran has a 60% disability rating for one condition and a 20% rating for another, the combined rating would be calculated as follows:
Start with the highest rating: 60%
Consider the "healthy" portion remaining: 100% - 60% = 40%
Apply the second-highest rating to the healthy portion: 20% of 40% = 8%
Add the result to the highest rating: 60% + 8% = 68%
Round the combined rating to the nearest 10%: 70%
Compensation rates:
Once the combined rating has been determined, the VA disability compensation rate tables are used to identify the total monthly benefit amount the veteran is due. These tables are updated annually to account for cost-of-living adjustments. There may be additional considerations involved in this process, however, such as the presence of dependents or the need for special additional compensation for specific circumstances like the loss of a limb.
It is important to note that the VA disability calculator is not a guarantee of benefits, and each case is evaluated on an individual basis. Dothan veterans should consult with one of our VA disability lawyers for guidance in navigating the claims process and ensuring they receive the compensation they are owed for their service-connected disabilities.
Are Many Alabama Veterans On Disability Benefits?
In Alabama, 110,941 veterans were on VA Disability Compensation as of September 2020, which makes up a significant amount of the over 5 million on VA Disability nationwide. Furthermore, twenty-six percent of veterans reported that they had a service-connected disability in August 2020. Also, veterans with a service-connected disability were more likely to work for the federal government than veterans with no service-connected disability and non-veterans.
If you are a veteran experiencing a disability, these numbers prove that you are not alone. Wettermark Keith’s veterans affairs lawyers have experience handling compensation cases successfully. Do not hesitate to contact us through our website or by giving us a call at (877) 715-9300.
Filing Your Claim For Veterans Disability Compensation
Follow these steps to file for veterans disability compensation:
Application Preparation
Before starting the application process, ensure you've gathered the necessary documentation. This encompasses your medical records, reports from the military, personal visits, and other essential forms. Once prepared, you have the option to submit your claim through the VA website, by mail with a paper application, or in person.
Initial Claim Requirements
For those who are applying for disability benefits for the first time:
Provide evidence to the regional offices showing that you sustained an injury directly linked to your military service.
Demonstrate that the injury continues to affect you.
Submit documentation confirming you have not been dishonorably discharged.
In Case of Denial - Navigating the Appeals Process:
Review the Decision: Examine the decision letter from the VA. If any aspects seem incorrect or unfair, it might be time to consider an appeal.
File a Supplemental Claim: As an initial appeal step, you could file a supplemental claim where you submit additional, relevant evidence to bolster your case.
Request a Higher-Level Review: Should you decide against a supplemental claim or remain unsatisfied post its outcome, request a review by a senior claims adjudicator.
File a Board Appeal: Still not content? Appeal directly to the Board of Veterans' Appeals. Remember, this step can be intricate, so being adequately represented is crucial.
Optional Hearing: Concurrently with the Board appeal, you can request a hearing with a Veterans Law Judge.
Further Appeals: If the decision from the Board doesn't suit you, mull over a potential appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims or reconsider the claim introducing fresh evidence.
When your initial claim faces denial, it's not the end. With expert legal representation from accredited VA disability attorneys, your chances of success increase significantly. WAt Wettermark Keith, our track record speaks for itself. If your claim was denied, we stand ready to assist. The moment you face a denial, don't hesitate; reach out to our legal team at (877) 715-9300 for support.

Reasons For VA Claim Denial - According to Our Veteran Disability Lawyers
A VA claim can be denied for a multitude of reasons, including:
The VA requires a significant amount of evidence to support a disability claim. If the evidence provided is not enough to establish a service connection or to demonstrate the severity of the disability, the claim may be denied.
A current diagnosis is necessary to establish a link between a disability and military service. Without a current diagnosis, the VA may deny the claim.
The VA may require a claimant to attend a medical examination to evaluate their disability. If the claimant fails to attend the exam, the claim may be denied.
If the disability existed before military service or is the result of a non-service-related incident, the claim may be denied.
In some cases, a veteran may not meet the eligibility requirements for VA disability benefits, such as minimum service requirements.
There are other reasons for a denial, such as incomplete or inaccurate application forms, missing or incorrect information, or failure to provide requested documentation. The solution to fixing your denial may be easy or extremely complex. No matter what, it is important to contact a veterans disability attorney from Wettermark Keith to help you through this confusing, stressful process.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Veterans Disability Lawyer is an attorney who specializes in helping veterans obtain disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). They assist veterans with filing disability claims, appealing denials, and navigating the VA appeals process.
Veterans Disability Lawyers can be incredibly helpful in navigating the complex and often confusing VA disability benefits system. They can ensure that your claim is properly filed and documented, and they can help you appeal a denied claim. Additionally, a lawyer can represent you in front of the VA, making sure that your case is presented effectively.
The length of time it takes to get disability benefits from the VA can vary widely depending on the complexity of your case and the backlog of claims at the VA. In general, it can take several months to several years to receive a decision on your claim. Working with a Veterans Disability Lawyer can help expedite the process.
The VA provides disability benefits for a wide range of disabilities, including physical disabilities, mental health conditions, and chronic illnesses. To be eligible for benefits, the disability must be related to your military service.
Yes, you can apply for VA disability benefits online using the VA's website at
If Your Veterans Disability Claim Is Denied, Our Lawyers Can Help.
In order to receive disability benefits in Dothan, AL, extensive evidence is required. This includes an official diagnosis, comprehensive medical records, and any other documentation relevant to the veteran’s disability. If you do not provide enough evidence to support your claim, it is likely that you will be denied.
If you receive a denial, it is crucial to seek the assistance of a VA attorney from Wettermark Keith. Our legal experts have the necessary knowledge to properly file an appeal. However, the success rate of appeals is quite low, currently standing at 38.1%. By hiring one of our experienced VA attorneys, your chances of receiving a favorable decision increase significantly. Do not hesitate to contact us at Wettermark Keith in Birmingham for help appealing your denied case.
Why Choose a Wettermark Keith Disability Attorney to Fight for Your Veterans Benefits?
Alabama veterans need a team of experienced lawyers who know the VA inside and out in order to receive the benefits they deserve. Wettermark Keith’s attorneys are a team of knowledgeable, compassionate individuals working for you to make sure you get just compensation. You do not have to back down from obtaining the benefits you deserve.
With offices located throughout Alabama, Tennessee and now Florida, Wettermark Keith has an excellent reputation as one of the most accomplished personal injury firms in the country. We have a diverse range of practice areas, including VA Disability claims. We practice with care and compassion, making sure we understand your disability and convey that to the VA as best as we can. Our legal team builds strong relationships based on constant communication, trust, and a dedication to the truth. Caring for you is our goal, and winning is just how we show it. Contact us to set up your free consultation with an attorney at Wettermark Keith at (877) 715-9300 or through our online form.