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My VA Claim Was Denied. Now What?

It can be devastating to have your VA claim denied. What are you supposed to do now? How can you proceed without the benefits you thought you were entitled to? Let’s take a look at how the claims process works for disabled veterans and what to do if your VA claim is denied.

How Does a VA Claim Work?

For veterans who have a disability that is related to their military service, compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs may be available. In order to determine whether you or a loved one is eligible for these benefits, the VA will consider the following criteria:

  •      You are a veteran
  •      Your discharge was not dishonorable
  •      You are currently experiencing a disability
  •      Your treatment for the disability is documented
  •      Your disability resulted directly or in part from your military service
  •      A degree of disability can be determined

The process of submitting a claim to the VA is often a long, tedious one, with many complexities that people aren’t always prepared to handle. Additionally, there isn’t a guarantee that the VA will approve your claim just because you’ve endured the submission process. And if they do approve, they may not rate your disability high enough, leaving you short on the benefits you deserve.

What Can I Do to Get Compensation from the VA?

One of the best choices you can make in this scenario is to seek the counsel of an experienced VA disability lawyer like the attorneys at Wettermark Keith.

We can help you at every step of the process, making sure that your questions are answered and you understand the status of your appeal at all times. We will work alongside you to collect all the documentation and records we need, and we will file an appeal (a Notice of Disagreement) to the nearest VA Regional Office on your behalf. And if necessary, we’ll appeal directly to a VA judge for your claim.

Are you looking for someone who will advocate for you and help you get the benefits you’re entitled to as a disabled veteran? Look no further than the attorneys at Wettermark Keith. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

VA claim denials can occur for various reasons, including lack of sufficient evidence, errors in documentation, or disagreements over the degree of disability. Our experienced attorneys can review your case to identify the specific reason for the denial.

While you can attempt to appeal on your own, having an experienced VA disability attorney can significantly improve your chances of success. Attorneys can navigate the complex appeals process and gather necessary evidence.

The duration of the VA appeals process can vary widely. It depends on factors like the complexity of your case, the specific VA Regional Office, and the level of appeal. Our attorneys can provide guidance on expected timelines.

If you believe your disability rating is too low, you can appeal for a higher rating. Our attorneys can help you gather evidence to support your claim for a higher disability rating.

Yes, you can work while pursuing a VA disability claim or appeal. The VA considers both service-connected disabilities and income when determining eligibility for benefits. Our attorneys can provide guidance on this matter.

Ready to work together? Contact us today for a free consultation.


If you or a loved one have been injured and think you might have a case, call us now for a free consultation.