Montgomery Truck Accident Lawyers Dedicated to Fighting for Your Rights
Questions About Injury and the Law
Montgomery, the state capital of Alabama, sees much commercial travel through the city on interstates I65 and I85. The city’s highways and interstate system are heavily traveled by big trucks carrying goods to and from downtown. When you mix the abundance of commercial vehicles with everyday Montgomery traffic, it’s no surprise that truck accidents frequently occur and injure Alabama drivers. When it comes to finding an Alabama truck accident attorney, your guide is right here.
Have you been involved in a truck accident? Wettermark Keith is a law firm that knows the law and understands accidents involving trucks and cars. Come by our office and let our truck accident lawyers handle the case of your truck accident.
Data collected regarding truck accidents in Alabama for the last ten years indicates a downward trend in the number of truck accidents, although the number remains high in terms of fatalities and injuries. The total number of trucks involved in accidents in Alabama in 2021 was just under 11,000, including all types of heavy trucks.
The leading cause of truck accidents is the failure to yield to the right of way, followed closely by tailgating. While this data does not indicate whether the truck or another vehicle was at fault in the accident, it remains clear that truck accidents are often much more severe than other accidents. For example, if one car was tailgating another car and a rear-collision occurred, only minor injuries would be sustained (depending on the rate of speed). However, if a heavy truck was tailgating a car, severe injuries could occur even at a slow rate of speed.

Unfortunately, truck accidents happen. Because of their size and weight, trucks are rated and drivers held to rigorous governmental restrictions on their driving practices. These restrictions are designed to keep the drivers and other motorists safe, but some negligent drivers still prefer to flaunt the law, putting you and your family at risk.
Some of the most common causes for Alabama truck accidents are:
- Unseen vehicles
- Improper lane changes
- Misjudgment of stopping distance
- Following too close
- Improper turns
- Fallen cargo
- Unbalanced load
- Driver negligence
No matter the cause of your accident, you should seek a truck accident lawyer. Locals know that standing up for your accident case calls for the law expertise only Montgomery truck accident attorneys from Wettermark Keith can provide. You deserve that kind of justice.
In order to drive a car, you have to take an eye test, a permit test and undergo a probationary period. Then you can operate a car, given that you have practiced with a licensed driver for many hours and have car insurance. In order to drive a large truck or tractor-trailer, there are even more steps to be taken.
There are many regulations in the trucking industry intended to keep the roadways safe. Being involved in a trucking accident could be an indication that the trucker did not do something properly, resulting in your injury. This is different from car accidents in that trucks are larger and heavier. Often, truck collisions cause more severe injuries.
Truck drivers are usually the contractors or employees of another company, meaning you deal with more than just another driver and their insurance company. Instead of pointing at a broken law or careless driving as the cause of the crash, you may also find that the truck driver was not being compliant in his duties. This may include driving for longer than legally allowed, carrying more weight than is permitted, or not following other laws specific to drivers of trucks.
Only so much can be learned from research online. To truly know the law and get justice, you need the help of Montgomery injury attorneys who handle many car accidents, truck accidents and personal injury claims. Call Wettermark Keith for legal advice on your truck accident case.
Like so many people who have never experienced a truck accident, you don’t know what to do after being involved in one. Our advice is to take things a step at a time. Dealing with the aftermath of truck accidents is overwhelming, but failing to take care of the most important things will make it worse.
After your accident, if you're able, take stock of the situation. Assess yourself for any immediate medical needs, as well as that of others involved. Call 911 or have someone else do so. Police, ambulances, fire fighters, and other first responders will be on their way as soon as possible. While you’re waiting, ensure that your surroundings are safe. If needed, move yourself and your car out of harm’s way.
When you’re confident the situation is under control, begin gathering evidence. Take pictures of the scene with your phone camera. Take notes on your device or a piece of paper to describe the situation and include as much as you can remember. With their permission, ask witnesses near the scene for their contact information and testimony. Record this as well with a phone video camera. When the police arrive, file an accident report with details of the accident and truck accident injuries.
From there, we highly recommend contacting an experienced truck accident Alabama attorney. Montgomery’s Wettermark Keith law firm will help you with the details of pursuing a claim and compensation. The sooner you’re able to contact truck accident lawyers, the better, as they’ll be able to help you get the information you need. Dealing with insurance companies, medical bills and other lawyers is the last thing you want to do while recovering.
A wreck and serious injury aren’t enough to prove you weren’t at fault. There is a burden of proof in truck accident injury cases, and certain evidence is essential for settlement. Burden of proof in truck accidents include 4 elements of negligence that are (1) the truck driver had a duty of care which means a responsibility or an obligation to exercise a reasonable level of driving care (2) that duty of care was breached (3) the result was the causation of an accident (4) the injuries you suffered were directly caused by that breach of duty of care.
There is information you can gather to help your personal injury case. Any facts and details regarding the case are useful. If it is documented, finding additional witnesses and providers of testimony are one of the chief forms of evidence.
Pictures taken of the scene are invaluable. Photos of vehicle damage, road conditions, and other individuals present are especially useful. Finally, the truck’s maintenance records could be essential evidence. Drivers of trucks are required to keep meticulous records of their vehicle’s condition and many trucks now even do this electronically. An attorney can get access to this information, further helping to prove liability by the truck driver.
Lawyers with experience in truck accidents will know the proof you need and will be the best persons to help gather the information your case requires.
Being compensated isn’t just about making someone else pay for their wrongdoing. Compensation, when sufficient for the severity of the crash, helps to pay for the financial, physical, and emotional burden that’s been incurred by you. After being involved in a truck accident, these are some of the potential types of compensation you can pursue:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Property damages
- Physical therapy
- Medical equipment
- Counseling
You don’t have to face the daunting costs of recovering from an accident by yourself. Hire a personal injury lawyer to get the compensation you deserve.

If you've experienced a personal injury and even if you feel confident in pursuing justice on your own, you should consider hiring a truck accident lawyer. Montgomery attorneys at Wettermark Keith law firm will know when you are compensated fairly for your personal injury and when you are not. That kind of knowledge only comes from experience. If there are multiple parties involved (like a trucking company, the driver, and the insurance company), a lawyer can be the focal point for them, keeping all communication in line and ensuring that advantage isn't being taken of you and your claim.
Montgomery truck accident lawyers are also helpful when you are recuperating from major injuries. A time limit exists for filing claims in commercial truck accidents. Possibly, that deadline will pass before you are fully healed. Don’t wait to handle the case yourself, but call Wettermark Keith in Alabama for a free office consultation.
We know the law and have over 50 years of combined experience in fighting cases like yours. At Wettermark Keith, we believe in each and every one of our clients and tirelessly fight for their rights. We’ve seen first hand how a truck accident can affect a person, and we want to see these cases brought to justice. We’re so confident in our truck accident lawyers at Wettermark Keith that we offer a no-fee guarantee, meaning that you won’t pay us anything until and unless we win. To learn more about us and what we can do for you, we offer an initial free office consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can sue for being hit by a semi-truck. Note that not all cases will proceed to court, but if the parties involved refuse to pay a reasonable settlement, we will help you get your compensation by filing a lawsuit.
Know that not all accident lawyers serving you will go to court. If you are willing to pursue your case further, make sure your lawyer is willing to do the same. Don’t forget that Wettermark Keith lawyers will fight for your case until it settles, even if that means suing.