It's More To Us, It's Personal

Key Takeaways

Establishments have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for their guests, which includes maintaining safe facilities and preventing accidents.
Slip and falls, swimming pool accidents, negligent security, defective equipment, and fires are among the most common types of injuries that occur in hotels and resorts.
To hold a hotel or resort liable for an injury, you must prove that they were negligent and that their negligence directly caused your harm.
Collecting evidence such as medical records, witness statements, and photos of the accident scene is crucial for building a strong case.
If your injury occurred in a different state, additional legal complexities may arise, making it even more important to seek professional guidance.

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Injured on Your Trip? Establishing Fault in Hotel and Resort Accidents

Key Takeaways

Establishments have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for their guests, which includes maintaining safe facilities and preventing accidents.
Slip and falls, swimming pool accidents, negligent security, defective equipment, and fires are among the most common types of injuries that occur in hotels and resorts.
To hold a hotel or resort liable for an injury, you must prove that they were negligent and that their negligence directly caused your harm.
Collecting evidence such as medical records, witness statements, and photos of the accident scene is crucial for building a strong case.
If your injury occurred in a different state, additional legal complexities may arise, making it even more important to seek professional guidance.

A well planned vacation is a thing of beauty. It all starts with an idea– a vision of where you want to escape to. Whether it's a trip down to the beach, a favorite mountain destination or a well-planned trip to some place you have always wanted to go. Some people like to explore when they get there, others have an itinerary planned down to the very second. Neither group ever plans for an unexpected injury. When you're on vacation, the last thing you expect is to suffer an injury in your hotel or resort. 

However, accidents can and do happen at hotels and resorts, and determining who is responsible can be crucial for getting the compensation you deserve. Understanding how liability is established in situations involving hotel accidents is essential if you find yourself injured while staying away from home.

Understanding Hotel and Resort Liability

Hotels and resorts are expected to adhere to high standards of safety to ensure their guests are protected from harm. This responsibility encompasses a range of duties, from maintaining clean and safe environments to ensuring that all facilities are properly functioning and well-supervised. When these standards are not met, the establishment may be held liable for injuries that occur as a result of their negligence.

What is Duty of Care?

Hotels and resorts are obligated to provide a safe environment for their guests. This obligation is known as "duty of care". Duty of care requires these establishments to take reasonable steps to prevent hotel accidents and injuries. For instance, if a hotel has a swimming pool, it must be properly maintained and have clear signage warning of any potential hazards. If an injury occurs due to negligence, such as a broken handrail or unmarked wet floor, the hotel or resort may be held liable for the damages.

Common Causes of Hotel and Resort Injuries

Injuries at hotels and resorts can arise from a variety of factors, often stemming from lapses in maintenance or safety procedures. Slip and fall accidents are among the most common, typically occurring due to wet or uneven flooring but can arise from various other situations, including:

Swimming Pool Injuries: Poorly maintained pools, lack of proper fencing, or inadequate lifeguard presence can contribute to resort and hotel accidents.

Slip and Falls: Wet floors, uneven flooring, and poorly maintained stairways can lead to slip and fall hotel accidents.

Negligent Security: Lack of adequate security measures can result in assaults or other violent incidents that can lead to traumatizing hotel accidents. 

Defective furniture or equipment: Malfunctioning or poorly designed furniture and equipment can lead to injuries and hotel injuries.

Elevator and escalator accidents: Malfunctioning elevators or escalators, or inadequate maintenance, can cause serious accidents.

Fires: Insufficient fire safety measures, such as lack of fire alarms or extinguishers, can lead to hotel accident injuries or fatalities.

Chemical exposure: Exposure to hazardous chemicals used for cleaning or maintenance can cause hotel accidents, health issues, or injuries.

Violating building codes: Non-compliance with building codes, such as improper construction or maintenance practices, can result in dangerous conditions and accidents.

Identifying the cause of the injury is crucial in determining the establishment’s liability and building a strong case for compensation.

Establishing Fault in Hotel and Resort Injuries

Determining fault in a hotel or resort injury case involves a thorough investigation into how and why the hotel accident occurred. It requires demonstrating that the hotel or resort was negligent and that this negligence directly led to your injury. This process can be time-consuming and tedious if you are not working with a professional who can guide you through the more complex aspects of your case.

Establishing fault often involves reviewing maintenance records, inspecting the hotel accident site, and gathering witness testimony. By building a comprehensive picture of the incident, an attorney can effectively argue that the establishment failed in its duty of care and should be held responsible for the resulting damages.

Proving Negligence After a Hotel Accident

To prove negligence in a hotel or resort injury case, you must establish that the hotel or resort breached its duty of care. This typically involves showing that the hotel or resort knew or should have known about a dangerous condition and failed to address it. This typically involves showing that:

The Hotel or Resort Had a Duty of Care: They had a responsibility to ensure your safety.

There Was a Breach of Duty: The hotel or resort failed to meet its duty of care. This could be due to maintenance issues, lack of proper signage, or other forms of negligence.

The Breach Caused Your Injury: You need to prove that the breach of duty directly led to your injury.

You Suffered Damages: This includes medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering resulting from the injury.

Gathering evidence is crucial. This can include photographs of the scene, medical records, witness statements, and any communication with the hotel management regarding the incident.

hotel or resort pool wraparound deck leading to hotel accident

What to Do After an Injury at a Hotel or Resort

If you are facing an injury due to the negligence of your accommodations, you have probably never gone through anything like this before and likely have many questions regarding the process. If you are injured at a hotel or resort, taking the right steps can significantly impact the outcome of your case and your well-being:

Seek Medical Attention: Your health should be your top priority. Even if your injuries seem minor, getting a medical evaluation is important.

Report the Incident: Notify the hotel or resort management about the accident and document their response.

Avoid Giving Statements: Refrain from providing detailed statements to the hotel’s insurance representatives until you have spoken with your lawyer. Anything you say could be used against you in your claim.

Collect Evidence: Take photos of the hotel accident scene, gather witness information, and keep records of any correspondence related to the incident.

Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer: An experienced attorney can help you navigate the legal complexities of your case and ensure you receive the compensation you're entitled to.

Injured on Vacation? Trust Wettermark Keith With Your Case

We understand how an unexpected injury can turn a relaxing getaway into a stressful ordeal, especially when you're far from home. Dealing with medical bills, insurance companies, and legal matters is the last thing you want to do while trying to recover. That’s why our team is here to take the burden off your shoulders, handling every aspect of your case with care and precision. We’ll work tirelessly to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—getting back to your life.

At Wettermark Keith, we have an excellent reputation as one of the most accomplished personal injury firms in the country. We offer a diverse range of practice areas, including personal injury cases, auto wrecks, trucking wrecks, nursing home abuse, medical malpractice, on-the-job injuries, social security, and VA disability, to name just a few. At Wettermark Keith, we believe in taking cases personally. Our purpose is to practice with care and compassion - to tell our clients' stories and make their voices heard. We achieve this by building strong relationships based on constant communication and an unwavering dedication to truth and trust.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hotel and resort accidents can lead to a variety of injuries, often influenced by the specific circumstances and conditions of the property. Common injuries include:

  • Slip and Falls: These are among the most frequent accidents, often caused by wet or slippery floors, uneven surfaces, or obstacles left in walkways. Such falls can result in sprains, fractures, and head injuries.
  • Swimming Pool Injuries: Injuries related to swimming pools can stem from poorly maintained facilities, lack of proper safety measures, or inadequate supervision. Common issues include drownings, slip and fall accidents on wet surfaces, and injuries from defective pool equipment.
  • Defective Furnishings: Broken or poorly maintained furniture and fixtures, such as unstable chairs or sharp edges on furniture, can cause cuts, bruises, or more severe injuries.
  • Negligent Security: Inadequate security measures can lead to assault, theft, or other violent incidents. Injuries from such events may include physical harm or emotional trauma.
  • Food Poisoning: Although less common, food poisoning can occur due to improper food handling or hygiene practices in hotel restaurants, leading to gastrointestinal issues and other health problems.

Yes, hotel and resort injury cases can be more complicated when they occur in a different state due to varying state laws, regulations, and court systems. Jurisdictional issues may arise, and understanding the specific legal requirements of the state where the injury occurred is essential. Additionally, if a settlement cannot be reached, you may need to travel to that state for court proceedings, which can add significant time, expense, and logistical challenges to your case. Having an experienced attorney who understands how to manage multi-state claims and coordinate with local counsel is crucial to effectively handling these complexities.

The time limit for filing a personal injury claim is governed by the statute of limitations, which varies depending on the state where the incident occurred. Typically, this period ranges from one to three years from the date of the accident or from the date you discover your injury.

It’s crucial to adhere to these deadlines as missing them can result in losing your right to file a lawsuit. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible can help you understand the specific time limits applicable to your case and ensure that all necessary legal actions are taken within the required timeframe.

If you were partially at fault for your accident, you might still be able to recover compensation, depending on your jurisdiction’s laws. Many states use a comparative negligence system, where the fault is divided among the parties involved, but this will depend on the state you are in when the accident occurs. Here’s how it typically works:

  • Pure Comparative Negligence: In states with this rule, you can seek damages even if you bear most of the blame—up to 99%. However, the amount you receive will be reduced based on your percentage of fault. For instance, if you're 80% responsible, you would collect 20% of the total damages.
  • Modified Comparative Negligence: Under this system, you can only recover damages if your fault does not exceed a certain threshold, typically 49% or 50%. If your responsibility equals or exceeds this limit, you lose the right to compensation.
  • Contributory Negligence: In states like Alabama, the rules are much stricter. If you are found even 1% at fault, you are completely disqualified from recovering any compensation, no matter how much more blame lies with the other party.

A personal injury lawyer can help evaluate how your level of fault might impact your claim and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Signing a waiver does not automatically prevent you from pursuing legal action, but it can complicate your case. Waivers, also known as release forms, are designed to limit an establishment's liability for certain risks. However, they do not always cover instances of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.

Personal injury lawyers at Wettermark Keith work on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not need to pay any upfront fees. Instead, our fee is contingent on winning the case and is typically a percentage of the settlement or court award you receive.

If you’re injured at a hotel or resort in another state, it’s essential to find an attorney who handles cases in the state where the injury occurred, as they understand the local laws and regulations. With the right attorney, you can still file a lawsuit in that state, even if you live elsewhere, ensuring your rights are protected and your case is effectively managed.

Ready to work together? Contact us today for a free consultation.


If you or a loved one have been injured and think you might have a case, call us now for a free consultation.