It's More To Us, It's Personal

Key Takeaways

Worker's compensation provides support for job-related injuries or illness.
Workers should not feel guilty about filing for compensation, which is a legal right.
The process of filing for compensation can be daunting for some employees.
Workers' compensation insurance protects both employees and employers.
To receive benefits: report the accident, seek medical attention, and file the correct documentation.
Wettermark Keith can help you if your compensation is denied or unjust.

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Dispelling Employee Myths and Correcting Mistakes: Is it bad to file a workers comp claim?

Key Takeaways

Worker's compensation provides support for job-related injuries or illness.
Workers should not feel guilty about filing for compensation, which is a legal right.
The process of filing for compensation can be daunting for some employees.
Workers' compensation insurance protects both employees and employers.
To receive benefits: report the accident, seek medical attention, and file the correct documentation.
Wettermark Keith can help you if your compensation is denied or unjust.

Accidents can happen anywhere, to anyone, and no profession is completely immune to workplace injuries. While some industries like mining, manufacturing, and construction may have higher risks, even sedentary jobs can lead to serious conditions like arthritis and lumbar strains. Whether it's due to years of asbestos exposure or a sudden shock from a live wire, workplace injuries can have a devastating impact on your health and quality of life. That's why worker's compensation is a critical safety net that all employees deserve - it provides financial and medical support to those left injured or ill as a result of their job.

Some injured workers feel guilty about filing for workers' compensation because they worry about the impact it may have on their employer or colleagues. However, it's important to remember that workers' comp is a legal right and exists to protect employees. It's not something to feel guilty about, and you shouldn't hesitate to seek benefits. Filing for workers' compensation, however, can be a daunting process, and many employees are unsure of how to navigate the system. By understanding why you should file for workers’ comp and what common mistakes people make when filing a comp claim, you will have a clear understanding of the workers' compensation process and feel more confident in your ability to file a claim and receive the benefits you deserve.

What is a workers comp claim?

The worker's compensation insurance is an essential safety net for workers who have suffered injuries or illnesses due to their job. It serves two important functions - it protects employers from legal liability, and it offers financial and medical assistance to employees who are hurt or become sick. Without worker's compensation, affected workers would have to bear the consequences of their conditions on their own, which could be a heavy burden. The system helps them to get back on their feet, support their families and obtain necessary medical treatment. The no-fault nature of worker's compensation means that workers do not have to prove that their employer was at fault for their injury or illness to receive benefits.

Can I get fired for filing a workers comp claim?

It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an injured worker for filing for workers' compensation. Therefore, no, an employer cannot terminate you or take any other adverse employment action against you because you filed for compensation. This is because retaliation is prohibited by law. If an employer were to retaliate against an employee for filing a workers' compensation claim, the employee would have the right to file a separate legal claim for retaliation with the help of an attorney. This could result in the employer being ordered to pay damages, including lost wages and other compensation.

There are exceptions to the retaliation rule. If an employer can demonstrate that an injured worker was terminated or otherwise disciplined for reasons unrelated to their workers' compensation claim, then the employer may not be held liable for retaliation. No matter what, you need to know your rights, and you can contact an experienced workers' comp attorney to help with that. Contact an attorney to help assess the situation and provide guidance on the best course of action to protect the employee's rights and interests.

Does filing a workers' compensation claim affect your employer?

Workers' compensation insurance is designed to protect both employees and employers. The benefits that you receive from workers' comp are paid for by your employer's insurance, and the system is meant to provide a fair and efficient way for injured employees to receive compensation for their injuries without having to resort to legal action.

After someone files a workers’ comp claim against their employer, the employer may need to provide additional training or safety measures to prevent future incidents from occurring. This, however, will prevent them from facing legal action in the future, if they are found to have been negligent or in violation of workplace safety regulations that they were made aware of due to your injury. Therefore, while your employer may be impacted by the filing of a workers' compensation claim, it is ultimately a system that benefits both parties.

Most Common Reasons to File a Claim:

While there are many accidents that can cause a work injury, the following is a list of the most common injuries that require workers’ comp:

Construction site accidents

Transportation accidents


Repetitive motion injuries and strains

Cuts and lacerations

Eye or ear injuries

Broken bones

Exposure to toxins

Fires and explosions

Stuck in or between equipment

If you were injured at work, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. You need to file for compensation as soon as possible in order to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

How to File Workers Comp Claims:

In the event of a workplace injury, prompt reporting to your supervisor is crucial. It is best to inform them immediately after the incident occurs, but if that is not possible, you have a small period of allotted time to report the injury. It is important to ensure that your supervisor is informed within this time frame. If your employer is already aware of the incident, there is no need for a formal report.

Keep in mind that your employer chooses the doctor who will provide treatment for your injury. When reporting your injury to your employer, ask for information on the designated doctor. However, if you are dissatisfied with the doctor's diagnosis or treatment, your employer may provide you with a list of alternative healthcare providers to choose from.

To report the injury claim, your employer must complete an Employer's First Report of Injury or Occupational Disease form (WC Form 2), a Supplementary Report, and a Claims Summary Form within 10 days of the incident. These forms provide a comprehensive account of the event and include information about the employee's condition. Compensation benefits are ideally provided within 30 days of their due date. However, it's essential to note that your employer's insurance may deny your compensation, and the amount offered may not be adequate for your injuries.

Once the incident has been reported, it's crucial to seek the guidance of a workers' comp attorney. At Wettermark Keith, our legal team is dedicated to fighting for your rights and obtaining the compensation you're entitled to, whether through settlement or litigation. You won't be charged any fees, commissions, or expenses if we're unable to secure a favorable outcome for your case. We value your trust and will treat you with the utmost respect and care, as if you were a member of our own family.

Common Mistakes an Employee Makes When Filing Compensation Claims:

It is essential to report any workplace injury or illness as soon as possible to the employer or supervisor. Delaying the report of an injury can raise questions about the legitimacy of the claim. When injured on the job, filing workers' comp claims promptly is always the best course of action. If your employer is already aware of or witnessed the incident, there is no need to give them a more formal notice; however, if not, many states require you to inform your supervisor in specific time periods, making it important to do so quickly or else you may miss the statute of limitations for a claim. 

Even if the injury seems minor, it is important to seek medical attention immediately to document the injury and establish a link between the injury and work. It is important to note that your employer selects the doctor you must visit to be treated for your condition. When you inform your employer of your injury, make sure to ask for this doctor's information. If you are not satisfied with your employer's doctor and their diagnosis, you can choose from a list of other healthcare providers selected by your employer.

It is crucial to document every aspect of the injury or illness, including any conversations with employers, witnesses, and medical professionals. Keeping detailed records can help to support the claim and avoid misunderstandings. These records will be extremely helpful for your lawyer when filing for workers’ compensation against the insurance company.

Employees should follow the treatment plan prescribed by their doctor, including attending all appointments and completing all recommended therapies. Failing to follow medical advice could raise doubts about the legitimacy of the claim. In addition, failing to follow medical advice may also prolong the recovery process and result in more severe or chronic health issues, which could reduce the amount of compensation an employee receives or even result in a denied claim.

The workers' comp process can be complicated and confusing, and it is helpful to consult with an attorney. A workers' comp attorney can help employees navigate the process, ensure they receive appropriate medical care, and maximize the compensation they receive. You should never accept less than you deserve for your workers’ compensation case. A personal injury suit against your employer or workers' comp insurers may lead to the full reimbursement of all your past and future losses, so a workplace injury is always worth a discussion with our attorneys.

Protection with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employers from discriminating against employees who have filed for workers' compensation benefits or who have a history of filing for workers' compensation. This means that an employer cannot take adverse actions such as termination or demotion against an employee solely because they have filed a workers' compensation claim. Additionally, the ADA requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees who have disabilities as a result of a workplace injury. Employers are required to determine what accommodations are necessary and reasonable. The ADA also protects individuals who have a disability as a result of a workplace injury from being subjected to medical inquiries or exams that are not job-related or consistent with business necessity. This means that an employer cannot require an employee to undergo a medical examination or inquiry unless it is necessary to determine their ability to perform their job duties.

Workers' compensation laws and regulations vary by state, so the rules regarding the availability of an individual's claim history to future employers may differ depending on the state. An individual's workers' compensation claim history is confidential and cannot be disclosed to potential employers without the individual's consent; yet, there may be exceptions to this rule depending on the state and circumstances.

In Alabama, the law prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee for filing a workers' compensation claim, and it is unlawful to make any inquiry into an employee's prior workers' compensation claims or benefits. In Florida, employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees who have filed workers' compensation claims, but there is no explicit provision regarding the disclosure of claim history to future employers. In Tennessee, employers are prohibited from discriminating against employees who have filed workers' compensation claims, and it is unlawful to terminate an employee in retaliation for filing a claim; however, the law does not explicitly address the disclosure of claim history to future employers.

Wettermark Keith: Workers' Comp Lawyers

Workplace injuries should be dealt with seriously. The trust that we place in our jobs to keep us safe should be upheld, and, when that trust is betrayed, we must take action to protect those victims. The best way to win any personal injury case is to tell your story - your pain, your suffering, and your needs. And, here at Wettermark Keith, our workers’ comp lawyers will ensure that your voice will be heard.

With our law firm having offices located throughout Alabama, Tennessee, and Florida, Wettermark Keith has an excellent reputation as one of the most accomplished personal injury firms in the country. Wettermark Keith’s reach is not only regional, but it also includes a diverse range of practice areas, including workers’ compensation law. We believe in taking cases personally. Our purpose is to practice with care and compassion - to tell our clients’ stories and make their voices heard. Our workers comp lawyers do this by building strong relationships based on constant communication and an unwavering dedication to truth and trust. People trust us because they’ve seen the results.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several reasons why there is still a stigma surrounding workers' compensation. One of the main reasons is that some people see workers' comp as a way for employees to take advantage of their employers or the system. This negative perception is often fueled by stereotypes and misinformation about the workers' compensation process. Additionally, some employers may view workers' comp as a financial burden or a threat to their bottom line, which can create a culture that discourages employees from reporting injuries or seeking compensation.

Stigma in the workplace can have several negative impacts. For example, it can discourage employees from reporting injuries or seeking medical treatment, which can result in more severe injuries and longer recovery times. It can also create a culture of fear and mistrust, where employees are afraid to speak up about safety concerns or other issues. Stigma can also lead to feelings of isolation and shame for employees who do file workers' compensation claims, which can affect their mental health and overall well-being.

Reducing stigma in the workplace requires a multifaceted approach. Employers can take steps to promote a culture of safety and transparency, where employees feel comfortable reporting injuries and safety concerns without fear of retaliation. Education and training can also be helpful in dispelling myths and misconceptions about workers' compensation and the claims process. Employers can also work to create a supportive environment for employees who do file claims, providing them with the resources and support they need to recover and return to work.

Workers' compensation is a system that provides compensation to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their job. The benefits may include medical treatment, rehabilitation, and wage replacement. In most states, employers are required to carry workers' compensation insurance to cover the costs of these benefits. When an employee is injured on the job, they can file for workers' comp to receive benefits.

To file for workers' compensation, an employee typically needs to notify their employer of the injury or illness as soon as possible. The employer will then provide the employee with the necessary forms to file a claim with their workers' comp insurance carrier. The employee will need to provide details about the injury or illness and may need to provide medical documentation to support the claim. The insurance carrier will review the claim and determine whether to approve or deny compensation. If benefits are approved, the employee will receive the appropriate medical treatment and wage replacement while they are unable to work.

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If you or a loved one have been injured and think you might have a case, call us now for a free consultation.