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Better Safe than Sorry: When to See a Doctor After a Car Accident

August 17, 2017

When should I go see a doctor after a car accident? Ever wondered when to see a doctor after a car accident? People who are involved in car accidents often…

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Can I Sue my Apartment Complex for Negligence?

August 10, 2017

If you turn on the news at any point during the day, you are almost guaranteed to hear a story about burglary, homicide, or sexual assault. Sometimes, these victims are…

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Inside the Courtroom: Why Do Personal Injury Cases Go to Trial?

July 27, 2017

Many personal injury claims are resolved before a lawsuit is filed, and even the lawsuits that are filed sometimes settle before the case goes to trial. However, not all personal…

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Money in Your Pocket: Do you pay Taxes on Personal Injury Settlements?

July 20, 2017

Receiving a personal injury settlement can be a significant relief, marking the end of a challenging legal journey. However, this moment also ushers in a new phase of financial responsibility…

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Experience Counts: Why Do I Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

July 13, 2017

You’ve been injured in a car accident, and you’re confident that the other driver is guilty of negligence and/or recklessness. Now, you’re getting calls from the other driver’s insurance company.…

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Putting a Value on Loss: How Much Is a Wrongful Death Case Worth?

July 13, 2017

Navigating the complexities of a wrongful death claim can seem overwhelming, but understanding the key factors that influence its value can provide clarity and direction. Firstly, it’s crucial to know…

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How Long Does a VA Appeal Take?

June 22, 2017

Going through the VA appeals process can be intimidating, to say the least. If your initial claim was rejected, this threatens your likelihood of receiving the disability benefits you’re entitled…

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My VA Claim Was Denied. Now What?

June 15, 2017

It can be devastating to have your VA claim denied. What are you supposed to do now? How can you proceed without the benefits you thought you were entitled to?…

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What to Do If You’re Injured in a Car Accident

June 8, 2017

Emotions can run high at the scene of a crash, and if you’ve been injured in a car accident, it can be difficult to remember what you’re supposed to do-and…

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How to Choose a Good Personal Injury Attorney

June 1, 2017

Personal injury due to another person’s negligence or recklessness is not something you should have to deal with alone. To ensure that you receive the proper compensation for your medical…

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